i was very displeased with my visit. me and my friends were trying on clothes in the kids changing room and made sure to hang up all of our clothes up. the cashier in the kids department told her manager that we would not be aloud back in the kids section. later her manager came after us and said we had two options to either call our parents for the conduct we “commited” or leave the building and she said i a. rude manner the exit is that way so me and my friends politely exited the building
i was very displeased with my visit. me and my friends were trying on clothes in the kids changing room and made sure to hang up all of our clothes up. the cashier in the kids department told her manager that we would not be aloud back in the kids section. later her manager came after us and said we had two options to either call our parents for the conduct we “commited” or leave the building and she said i a. rude manner the exit is that way so me and my friends politely exited the building